Thursday, November 4, 2010

(no subject)

Hey Family!

Just wanted touo write yo20mfu, and let yo3gu knoqgn4kmxw, hoh275dptw the degree pro2m71qngram I tried oogut went.
Well, six weeks later, I graduated, finished & received my Masters Degree with no0p1wa study required and %100 verifiable.

Yeah mowtubm, I knooknelfpw yodbjqu and Dad dovd01rubted it at first, but this turned ozsgut tof7ioy be %100 legit. This oqbxzppoi5j0j60rtunity was given togcqa me because ocnk6f the proy1fessiom4apsnal experience and previoaz2us coy87srx5urse wosx3rk I had accumulated.

I�m sod8rish excited mod59m and dad, this was a life altering oelkvkw9vqppo1hgw4h3rtunity & foy8o24wr oym9wnce in my life I ton5opmasgk advantage offtaf it.

I already have jou3jw3bs, that wox4iiuldn�t have given me a chance befoel5q6re, nozyjq5uqcw they are calling ozelz1t9ff the hob1fjxctozjk! This really is a go6krcp622dsend.

Tell Susan and Cozxymrgbusin Jox5byey that they better hurry up and call that # I gave them the o55ither day.

Again these are the degrees they opnffer, BA, BSC, MA, MSC, MBA and PhD, and the number totrgy6s call is 1-801-461-5023, tell them towm leave a brief message with their name, the degree they are interested in and their day and evening phouow6uqne numbers. They will cohtcxntact yoxeltdu soksbahob3osn after,

Anyway, much lofg44zpdve, and tell the rest o14ff the family I said hellofm

Yogkggicuur sok2n,


Mo5vqpk6wam, why do2wz2088in�t yostelzrju send this email todelmosky a few oqbf yo8awur friends? My proxnfessoo4a608cr toaqld me that if we send ogzngbver referrals the schoqwelxtq6o6ouxdjl can give us a scho3j5vqgfolarship.

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