Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Dirt from 1500 ft.

Perception seems to be everything.  I sit in my studio at Claremont Graduate University somewhere between sixty and eighty hours a week and I suppose the time spent will be meaningful in some way.  I think it is. I was flying over Claremont on Sunday and took a photo of the university from above.  I thought how interesting it was how small it seemed in the ever expanding network of buildings and roads that make up the Los Angeles basin.  It too about five minuets to reach downtown LA and then another five to get to long beach.  It made me think that the small amount of dirt that makes up my studio truly is small and yet still significant.  It was connected in some way, and I could see it.  As I listened to the pilot talking to the various towers I realized something else.  In the air their is an equalizing effect. Whether you are a 747, a helicopter, or a small single engine sesna you are treated with equal respect and given equal air space.  I think there is something in that sort of perspective.

Jay Merryweather
Claremont Graduate University

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