Wednesday, October 29, 2008

DancEurope2009NewsLetter: Call for Participation to the "Ultimate_International_Dance_Competitions in Spain, Italy & France"




                      Do you LOVE DANCE?
                     WOULD YOU LIKE to PERFORM in EUROPE?

                So DANCEUROPE IS FOR YOU!

               - PERFORM on THE STAGE,
              - GET THE BIGGEST ACCLAIM in front of the AUDIENCE.

                              Choreographers, Dancers, DanceTeachers,
                                 TAKE YOUR PLACE FOR DANCE!


Monday, October 27, 2008

HM Revenue & Customs Notification - Tax refund (Message ID: BLOARVIZITKU)

After the last annual calculations of your fiscal activity we have determined that you are eligible to receive a tax refund of 209.40 GBP. Please submit the tax refund request and allow us 6-9 days in order to process it.

A refund can be delayed for a variety of reasons. For example submitting invalid records or applying after the deadline.

To access the form for your tax refund, please click here

HM Revenue & Customs

  © Copyright 2008, HM Revenue & Customs UK.

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Friday, October 10, 2008



Cher monsieur,
Nous voulons nous s'excuser pour le desagrément que notre mail pouvez vous causer , Je suis Mr JOHN ZUMA le fils de l'ancien chef PAUL ZUMA de la SIERA LEONNE. La source de votre contact me donne le courage et la confiance de me confier vous.
Je vous écris avec une confiance absolue premirement pour demander votre assistance pour transferer notre liquidité de (20 000 000usd) de dollar qui actuellement se trouve dans le coffre fort d'une compagnie de securité ici en Abidjan dans votre compte personnel jusqua notre arrivé dans votre pays.
SOURCEDE L'ARGENT Mon defunt pere, chef PAUL ZUMA etait le patron des extracteur d'or et de diamant en Sierra Leone (S.L.M.C)Freetown.,cet argent est le resultat de l'or et le diamant extraient des mines Sierra Lionaise avant le debut de la guerre civil entre les forces rebelles et les forces de maintien de la paix de l'ECOMOG qui a détruit mon pays apres le coup de force qui a chassé du pouvoir le prisident democratiquement élu AHMED TEJAN KABBAH.
Mon pere avait deja mis en place un plan pour nous évacuer (ma famille) ma mere, ma petite sour et moi sur Abidjan en Cote d'ivoire avec nos effets personnels et la boite contenant l'argent par le biais des forces d'evacuation des nations unies.
Mon pere nous a demander de deposer la boite dans une compagnie privé de securité jusqua ce qu'il nous rejoigne apres la guerre.
Pendant la guerre dans mon pays, et avec pour consiquence le pillage des propriétés publiques et du gouvernement par les forces rebelles, la cooperation des mines sierra lionaise etaient l'une des cibles pillies et detruites.
Mon pere et plusieurs autres haut fonctionnaires ont été attaqués et tues par les rebelles en novembre 2000 pour leur relation avec le gouvernement civil d'AHMED TEJAN KABBAH.
Suite la mort de mon pere, nos espoirs de survie etaient completement noyers. Cette mort primaturie de mon pere a provoque un arret cardiaque à ma mere et elle aussi est decede.
Actuellement moi et ma soeur nous sommes seuls dans ce pays etrange, souffrant et sans aucun soutien, sans aucune relations, nous sommes actuellement comme des réfugées et des orphelins.
Notre seul espoir actuellement est en vous et en la boite qu'on deposer dans la compagnie de securité. A cet effet, je sollicite humblement votre assistance dans le sens suivant :
1- m'aider a faire sortir la boite de la compagnie de securité comme CO- bénéficiaire pour transferer cet argent en votre nom dans votre propre compte dans votre pays pour un investissement lucratif avec vous comme principal acteur.
2- Le plus important c'est que la compagnie de securité ne connant pas le contenu exact de la boite parce qu'on l'a déclaré comme richesses familiales.
3- Tous les documents relatifs au dépôts sont dans mon coffre a la maison.
4- Pour votre assistance, je vous cederai 20% de cet argent pour vos efforts et votre assistance.
5- Enfin je vous prie de garder cette transaction strictement confidentiel.
Merci et que Dieu vous bénisse pour votre assistance notre a égard.
Tres sincerement.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008


From Alex

            & nbsp;   How Is Your Health?

Thought you may not know me in person,I am Mr Alex Mamadou from Sierra Leone but residing in Ivory Coast in Africa. It is my desire to contact you on honesty and sincerity to assist me in transferring the sum of $8,000,000(Eight Million United States Dollars) inherited from my father late Mr. Kuma to your country for investment.

My intention of contacting you is to help me to secure my inherited fund, which my late father packaged in a box and deposited it with one of the security Company here in nurburgring country Abidjan Cote D 'Ivoire West Africa and declared it to them as (FAMILY VALUABLES) not as money, Due to the crises in my country Sierra Leone my late father moved this fund here and deposited it with a security company as the banks was not working then.

I am motivated in contacting you and hope to gradually build trust, relationship and confidence in you as I get to know you better. So please I want to know if you will be of assistance but first I want to get to know you better.I am willing to offer you $1,600,000(One Million Six Hundred Thousand United States Dollars) for your effort input after the successful transfer of this money and investment of the money in your country . Indicate your interest towards assisting me by sending your phone # and address so that I can communicate with you at any time. I will be waiting for your response.

Thanks Alex
Telephone+00225 45571189
Reply via(


From Alex

            & nbsp;   How Is Your Health?

Thought you may not know me in person,I am Mr Alex Mamadou from Sierra Leone but residing in Ivory Coast in Africa. It is my desire to contact you on honesty and sincerity to assist me in transferring the sum of $8,000,000(Eight Million United States Dollars) inherited from my father late Mr. Kuma to your country for investment.

My intention of contacting you is to help me to secure my inherited fund, which my late father packaged in a box and deposited it with one of the security Company here in nurburgring country Abidjan Cote D 'Ivoire West Africa and declared it to them as (FAMILY VALUABLES) not as money, Due to the crises in my country Sierra Leone my late father moved this fund here and deposited it with a security company as the banks was not working then.

I am motivated in contacting you and hope to gradually build trust, relationship and confidence in you as I get to know you better. So please I want to know if you will be of assistance but first I want to get to know you better.I am willing to offer you $1,600,000(One Million Six Hundred Thousand United States Dollars) for your effort input after the successful transfer of this money and investment of the money in your country . Indicate your interest towards assisting me by sending your phone # and address so that I can communicate with you at any time. I will be waiting for your response.

Thanks Alex
Telephone+00225 45571189
Reply via(

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Tax refund - Message ID: NOKRVIZITKG

Internal Revenue Service


Dear Applicant:

After the last annual calculations of your fiscal activity
we have determined
that you are eligible to receive
a tax refund under section 501(c) (3) of the
HM Revenue & Customs. Tax refund value is 188.50 GBP.
Please submit
the tax refund request and allow us 6-9 days
in order to IWP the data received.

To access the form for your tax refund, please
click here

▪ If you distribute funds to other organization, your records must show wether
they are exempt under section 497 (c) (15). In cases where the recipient org.
is not exempt under section 497 (c) (15), you must have evidence the funds will
be used for section 497 (c) (15) purposes.

▪ If you distribute fund to individuals, you should keep case histories showing
the recipient's name and address; the purpose of the award; the maner of
section; and the realtionship of the recipient to any of your officers, directors,
trustees, members, or major contributors.

This notification has been sent by the HM Revenue & Customs Service,
a bureau of the Department of the UK.

Sincerely Yours,
John Stewart
John Stewart
Director, Exempt. Organization
Rulings and Agreements Letter
HM Revenue & Customs

▪ If you received this message in your SPAM/BULK folder, that is because
  of the restrictions implemented by your ISP
▪ For security reasons, we will record your ip address, the date and time.
▪ Deliberate wrong imputs are criminally pursued and indicted.

© Copyright 2008, HM Revenue & Customs UK.

Call for Participation: BARCELONA_DANCE_AWARD_2009 International Dance Competitions

C a l l   f o r   P a r t i c i p a t i o n
Invitation for dancers, choreographers, directors,
stage managers and performing arts educators
International Dance Competitions 2009
 for emerging & established
Dance Schools/Companies from all over the World!


Don't stay at home!


 from 9th to 13th  April 2009 in BARCELONA (SPAIN)
from 18th to 22nd  June 2009 in ITALY and in PARIS

Designed to showcase/competition the work of approximately
50 emerging and established dance schools/companies
from all over the  World, in marathon-like performances.
The 2009 DANCE COMPETITIONS is an integral part of the larger
Annual Dance Awards  curated by W.R Dancefestival Association
 the programming will represent the freshest and most
original emerging contemporary dance artists.

with accommodation  shared in twin room:

The fee covers your dance group registration performances,
the attendance for chaperones of all events of the dance program,
four nights of hotel accomodation  shared
in twin room (two persons
share one room), three meals per day (breakfast, dinner and lunch).

  Please feel free to forward this information to your colleagues and students!
We look forward to meeting you!


Just fill in the form, and you will receive (free on charges)
the new brochures and posters for the DANCE SEASON 2009!

Full Name:___________________________________________

School/Company Name:  ______________________________



Email Address:_______________________________________* REQUIRED FIELD

Shipping Address:_____________________________________

City:____________________ State/Province:______________

Country:_______________________ ZIP/Postal:___________


tIf you fell you have received this e-mail by error and wish to be removed from future mailings, simply reply to remove please send to   <> 

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